Beyond Boundaries Mentorship
Angelica Zambrano is originally from San Antonio, Texas. She graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Science and Arts in Biochemistry in 2021 with the distinction of Summa Cum Laude. While at UT Austin, she developed a passion for serving as a teaching assistant and peer mentor. Angelica is currently a third-year medical student at the Foster School of Medicine Texas Tech Health Sciences Center El Paso. Her interests include social determinants of health, migrant healthcare, global and border health, and melanoma prevention. While at Texas Tech, she led the initiative to start a Global Health Distinction program, served as the President of the Global and Border Health Society, and worked on the student leadership team for a Migrant and Refugee Clinic in partnership with Doctors of the World. While at Texas Tech, she has also become actively involved in many research endeavors, publishing several papers in the fields of Sports Cardiology, Dermatology, and Immunology. Her current professional interests include Dermatopathology, Cytopathology, Dermatology, Internal Medicine, and Cardiology. In her free time, she enjoys running, climbing, hiking, reading poetry, attending stand-up comedy shows, and spending time with her Siamese cat.